LBBW is ranked second among the world's leading banks for export finance, according to London-based trade information service Trade & Export Finance (TXF). The results of the TXF Export Finance Research Report 2023 are putting LBBW among the best export finance banks worldwide for the fifth time.
Key categories in which LBBW scored particularly well were customer service, industry expertise, understanding of customers' business and speed in processing transactions. The award was presented yesterday at the TXF Global Conference in Lisbon. "Being among the world's leading banks in export finance once again and confirming our top position with second place is extremely gratifying. The award reflects the great appreciation of our customers and is the best motivation for us to continue to give our full commitment to our customers and at the same time to continuously improve our performance," says Nanette Bubik, Head of Export Finance at LBBW.
The majority of respondents come from exporting and importing companies. Seventy-four percent of participants are in management or a senior role within their organization. Most of the respondents indicated that they are headquartered in Europe. The majority of the remaining survey participants are from the Asia-Pacific region. "This year's Export Finance Research Report survey includes even more responses than last year's. This underlines the importance and relevance of the survey, which looks at the market from a neutral position," said Dan Sheriff, CEO of TXF.
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg supports its export-oriented corporate customers around the globe at 17 locations in 16 countries. It supports its customers with comprehensive and long-standing market expertise in structuring customized export finance solutions. In this way, it contributes to the success of their long-term foreign trade transactions. "The challenging economic, geopolitical and social issues of our time make it more important than ever to be a financing partner that our customers can fully rely on. I am pleased that we can support our customers' growth as a relevant partner in their international business. My colleagues have demonstrated their constant willingness to perform and their expertise in an increasingly complex market environment," explains Michael Maurer, Head of Global Trade and Export Finance at LBBW.
The ranking is based on the results of a study conducted by TXF for the tenth time. Using a combination of surveys and interviews, TXF gathered the opinions of a large number of market participants worldwide - specifically, more than 400 importers, exporters, banks and export credit agencies. Contrary to the concept of classic league tables, the TXF Export Finance Research Report does not focus on the purely quantitative financing volume as the decisive criterion. Rather, the qualitative factors mentioned above, such as market expertise and customer understanding, are evaluated.
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