Ratings for LBBW

A bank with good ratings: LBBW gets regular good grades from the rating agencies.

Amongst our ratings we can boast the famous triple A. The rating agency Moody’s has issued us its highest rating, "Aaa", for our public-sector covered bonds and mortgage-backed covered bonds. We are also at the upper end with regard to other ratings.


Rating category Rating
Long-term Issuer Rating Aa2, stable
Long-term Bank Deposits Aa2, stable
Senior Unsecured Bank Debt (senior preferred) Aa2, stable
Junior Senior Unsecured Bank Debt (senior non-preferred) A2
Short-term Ratings P-1
Subordinate Rating Baa1
Baseline Credit Assessment (financial strength) baa2
Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessment 1 a3
Counterparty Risk Rating Aa2
Public-sector covered bonds Aaa
Mortgage-backed covered bonds Aaa
Guaranteed obligations 2 Aaa

1Includes Affiliate Support Notching.

2The rating for guaranteed liabilities is valid for all transactions which were concluded by July 18, 2001


Rating category Rating
Long-term Issuer Default Rating A+, stable
Long-term Deposit Rating AA-
Long-term Senior Preferred Debt Rating AA-
Long-term Senior Non-Preferred Debt Rating A+
Short-term Issuer Default Rating F1+
Non-guaranteed Tier 2 Subordinated Debt Rating A-
Viability Rating (financial strength) bbb+
Public-sector covered bonds -
Mortgage-backed covered bonds -
Guaranteed obligations 1 AAA, stable

1The rating for guaranteed liabilities is valid for all transactions which were concluded by July 18, 2001


Rating category Rating
Long-Term Issuer Rating A (high), stable
Long-Term Deposits A (high), stable
Long-Term Senior Debt (senior preferred) A (high), stabile
Senior Non-Preferred Debt A, stable
Short-Term Ratings R-1 (middle), stable
Subordinated Debt A (low), stable
Intrinsic Assessment (Finanzkraft) A
Long-Term Critical Obligations Rating 1 AA, stable

1 Risk of default of particular obligations that have a higher probability of being excluded from bail-in in the event of a resolution than other senior unsecured obligations (mainly obligations from derivatives, from payment and collection services, as issuer of covered bonds, from liquidity lines and contingent liabilities)

Rating of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg

Rating category Moody’s S&P
Long-term rating Aaa, stable AA+, stable
Short-term rating - A-1+


The rating categorizations and rating agency reports we have compiled here constitute publicly accessible information. We have merely chosen to publish them on our website as an additional service for our investors. These data do not necessarily represent the opinion of LBBW, nor should they be seen as a recommendation to buy securities issued by LBBW. LBBW accepts no liability for the completeness, timeliness, accuracy or selection of such information.

Sustainability ratings

Independent rating agencies regularly review all different aspects of sustainability at LBBW. Our successes show that we are on the right track.

More information on LBBW’s ESG ratings

Do you have any questions?

These are your contacts

Andreas Wein, Head of Funding and Debt Investor Relations

Andreas Wein

Head of Funding & Debt Investor Relations


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Peter Kammerer

Peter Kammerer

Head of Debt Investor Relations


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Jil Janssen

Jil Janssen

Funding & Debt Investor Relations


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Martin Rohland

Martin Rohland

Funding & Debt Investor Relations


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* Telephone calls are recorded automatically.


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