December 19, 2018
Three questions for Volker Helms
Volker Helms, Managing Director of LBBW México SOFOM, on what makes German-Mexican special.

What surprises German businesspeople most when they come to Mexico for the first time?
Volker Helms: The safe environment and the good infrastructure. Modern buildings and industrial parks, good roads. These impressions are particularly positive if visitors have previously gained most of their knowledge from the negative articles that frequently appear in the media.
What do Germans notice most about Mexicans?
Volker Helms: Their professionalism. From middle management upwards, many have university degrees from the US or Europe and speak fluent English. The widespread cliché of the “mañana mentality” is becoming ever rarer in the business world.
What do Mexicans appreciate most about their business partners from Germany?
Volker Helms: Aside from cars, beer and soccer, Germany is synonymous with reliability. A German businessperson has clear goals and wants to achieve them. This gives Mexicans solid planning security. Obviously it’s not a one-way street. A business partner from Germany also formulates his expectations clearly and comprehensibly.