Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) is providing a loan of EUR 56.0 million to finance the construction of the wind farm Haadfeld in the communities Leitha, Höflein and Rohrau (40 kilometres southeast of Vienna). The wind farm, which will have a capacity of 36 megawatts, will be powered by 12 wind turbines to be built and erected by the German producer ENERCON GmbH. Enercon will also service them over the entire loan term of 13.5 years after commissioning. The total investment cost of the project, which will be implemented by the Austrian wind project developer and operator Energiepark Bruck/Leitha GmbH, is around EUR 64.4 million. The loan is structured and initiated by LBBW in its role as Mandated Lead Arranger and will be granted by LBBW and Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba).
LBBW structures as Mandated Lead Arranger a project finance loan with a total debt amount of EUR 56.0 million and a tenor of 13.5 years Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba) is Co-Lender and Co-Arranger, Kommunalkredit Austria AG is Co-Arranger The wind farm will generate an annual production of 107.277 megawatts of green electricity
The Haadfeld wind farm is expected to supply green electricity to about 25.000 households. Similar to Germany's Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), electricity generated from renewable energies in Austria is promoted by an offtake price guaranteed for thirteen years from OeMAG Abwicklungsstelle für Ökostrom AG (OeMAG). LBBW Project Finance has been supporting its clients for many years in the energy sector with tailored financing products for investments e.g. in the area of renewable energies. In the process it supports its clients in their activities in Germany and abroad. About LBBW Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) is both a commercial bank and the central bank of the savings banks in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate. Its core activities are the private customer business and the business with corporate customers, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as savings banks. For companies, the support in opening up international markets plays an important role in addition to the expertise in innovative and complex financings. A further focus is placed on real estate financing as well as the customer-oriented capital market business with banks, savings banks and institutional investors. Specialized subsidiaries such as leasing, factoring or asset management round out the product and service range of LBBW group. About HELABA Helaba offers a broad range of services for corporate clients and public institutions. For more than sixteen years, the bank has provided tailor-made financing solutions to investors and developers for solar, solar thermal, wind and hydro power projects. Today, renewable energy finance has been firmly established as a steadily growing business of Helaba. About Energiepark Bruck/Leitha GmbH The Austrian wind project developer and operator Energiepark Bruck/Leitha GmbH has emerged from a cooperation of three wind farm developers and operators originally operating 25 wind energy turbines in the region of Bruck/Leitha where they have been evaluating the potential of wind energy since 1995. In 2008 the company divested all of its assets in order to develop more projects of which as of today it has 42 permitted turbines in its project pipeline whereof 25 are under construction. All projects are expected to be operative by 2016.